alter info


INTP • 4w3
 any pronouns

age: 23 (body-aligned)
role: host
source: i live here
splitting date:

STATUS: semi-dormant*

  im tali, the host and the one youre probably most familiar with. my heart burns for illustration and psychology and im a #tortured artist that draws their creativity from chronic 8th grader syndrome. in fact my insane artist brain is so strong that my creations sometimes come to life. ahhh! but thats fine since my goal is to become a professional illustrator, author and publisher.

since im the host im basically the linguini to my multiple remys and also act a bit like the "manager" (or iron-fisted dictator *frown*).

💙: illustration, psychology, star trek & science fiction, a bunch of subcultures including the goth and furry scenes, marxism-leninism

* currently semi-dormant due to shit happening, means im not properly and fully available. if you interact with me regularily and dont know any of my alters you might be interacting with a social mask instead.
